Thursday, September 11, 2008

Plan for the Worst, Pray for the Best

Well, hurricane Ike seems to be going north of us. Thank God, but I feel so bad for the people and homes that it will consume. We will still get the high winds and rain here and I am not sure yet what I will do with Copper. I have put identification on his halter and will braid identification in his tail just to be safe. I am also seriously considering spray painting my phone numbers on his side. He stays in the pasture, but I do have a 3-sided shelter for him that I can put him up in. He likes it when we have a rain storm and stands at the gate for me to put him up. Our four dogs will be safe in the shop on their doggy beds.

As for me, this hurricane is pretty much all I can think about. I am originally from Oklahoma - born and raised there for 25 years. At least with a tornado, you can watch the sky and see one brewing. Then, you take appropriate steps to ensure your survival pronto. Then, after 30 minutes or so it’s done. With this hurricane, my first one to go through by the way, I’ve had to worry about it all week. I try not to worry and give it to God, but I have to do what’s safest for my son. I don’t know if riding out a hurricane’s outer wrath is the best move or not. It depends on how it’s going to turn by the end of the day.

I have backed up my “brain” on my computer with all my graphic files, pictures, and all the other stuff. It will be locked down in the company safe place. For me, it’s pretty nerve racking to know what’s coming.

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