Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I can’t believe it’s already Thanksgiving week. It’s the start of parties, Christmas music, putting up the tree and all that fun stuff. The Marketing department put up a Christmas tree last week at the Yoakum Museum. We had some leather ornaments made special in shapes of a boot, a saddle (of course), a star, and a bucking horse. We used some hardware like the rings, halter loops, dee rings, and curb chains for icicles to give it some sparkle from the lights. Amy and I have a super crafty friend that took a rope and tied some bows with red bandana pieces that we strung around the tree that really added to our look. We got a craftsman to make up a large leather star that was tooled with silver tips for the topper – gorgeous! It was fun and it sure put us in the holiday spirit. I’m headed north to see family to get my bird on. Warm wishes to all and safe traveling.


Heather said...

You should have posted a picture - sounds beautiful!

Dara said...

This picture does not do the tree justice! It was a lot prettier in person.